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The Heart of a Caretaker (Part 2)
Few things teach us more about ourselves and God than money.
Unction Junction
The Holy Spirit's power can't be forced, but it can be fanned into flame.
Incremental Preaching
Many pastors want "fast acting" sermons. But what brings lasting transformation is a steady, intentional plan for the pulpit.
"Have to" or "Want to" Sermons?
Visionary preaching taps into people's innate longings.
Honoring Haddon Robinson
Reflections from pastors on lessons they have learned from Haddon Robinson.
From "Have To" to "Want To" Sermons
Visionary preaching that taps into people's innate longings.
Helping People Think Higher (Pt. 2)
Do you have a mindset for inspiration?
Preaching with VIM, Not Just Vigor
How to preach one theme for a year in a way that really results in Christ-like spiritual formation
Bryan Wilkerson: How I Prepare a Sermon
Helping you develop your signature method of preparing a message
Helping People Think Higher (Pt. 1)
Do you have a mindset for inspiration?
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